Tuesday 29 October 2013

How to Hemp Lime Render

With well over half of the internal walls rendered, John our renderer has mastered the application of the Australian Hemp Masonry Company hemp lime render. We have put together a little video on the rendering process.

The first room to be completely rendered was the bathroom. In the bathroom the render produced a very nice finish that ended flush with the tiles, each being about 10mm thick. The main kitchen living area was the second room to be completed. Two of the bedrooms are not far off completion with only the second coat on the Magnesium Oxide board to go. Even the third bedroom now has one wall rendered. All the hemp walls have been rendered in a single 10mm coat. The MgO board walls have been rendered in two approximately 5mm coats.

Last wall in the main room freshly rendered

Main room rendered
First wall started in the last room to be rendered